Higher Education Qualifications
In Slovakia, study courses are offered at three levels. Some of the higher education institutions offer first two levels together, i.e. they merge first two levels of higher education into a single whole.
First Cycle: Bachelor’s Degree
The first cycle study programmes provide theoretical and practical knowledge and skills
- Duration: 3 to 4 years
- ECTS: 180- 240 credits
- Title: “Bakalar”
- Abbreviation: Bc
Admission requisite: Students must have completed secondary education and hold a secondary school leaving certificate in order to gain admittance into the first cycle studies.
Second Cycle: Master’s Degree
- Duration: 1-2 years
- ECTS: 60 credits
Admission requisite: Students must hold a bachelor’s degree in order to gain admittance into the Master’s degree programme.
Second Cycle and First Cycle
Study programmes of the second cycle and the first cycle of higher education are joined into a single whole. These programmes are: master study programmes, engineer study programmes, and doctor study programmes.
- Duration: 4 to 6 years
- ECTS: 120 credits
Examination: At the end of the master’s (magister) study, doctor’s and engineer’s study, students must sit for a state examination. This examination comprises of 3 to 4 subjects, and requires a defence of a dissertation.
In Master’s (Magister) study: Degree title is “Magister” (“Mgr.”)
In the field of art: “magister umenia (Master of Arts)”
Abbreviation: “Mgr. art.”
In Engineer study: “inzinier” degree is awarded
Abbreviation: “Ing.”
In agricultural, economic and technical fields of Engineer’s study courses, and in the field of architecture and town planning: “inzinier architect” degree is awarded
Abbreviation: Ing. arch
In Doctor Study, following are the degree titles:
- In the field of general human medicine: Degree “Doctor of Medicine (In Slovak: “doktor vseobecneho lekarstva”) is awarded
- In the field of dentistry: Title “doktor zubnej mediciny (Doctor of Dental Medicine)” is given
- In the field of veterinary medicine: Title “doktor veterinarskeho lekarstva (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)” is given
- In the field of natural sciences: "doktor prirodnych vied (Doctor of Natural Sciences)" is awrded
- In the field of pharmacy: Title "doktor farmacie (Doctor of Pharmacy)" is given
- In the field of humanities and arts: "doktor filozofie (Doctor of Philosophy)" is awarded
- In the field of law and security with juridical concentration: "doktor prav (Doctor of Laws)" is awarded.
- In teacher training with courses of education and sports: "doktor pedagogiky(Doctor of Education)"
- In theological study programmes: "doktor teologie(Doctor of Theology)"
Third Cycle: Doctorate/PhD
This is the highest degree level. This study programme prepares graduates for independent creative scientific or artistic research work by obtaining theoretical knowledge. This cycle study is organized by the institution that is approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports.
Admission requisite: Candidate must have completed second cycle studies in order to be eligible for doctorate study programmes.
Before admissions, the higher education institution or faculty determines the theme/topic of dissertation to be applied for by the candidate. The supervisor is assigned for each topic. Candidate is required to select one of the declared topics.
Assessment: Students are required to complete and defend their dissertation. Annual assessment is done by the instructor. A dissertation exam and its defence is a part of the State examination.
Certificate/Title: Students who have successfully passed their dissertation examination and defended the dissertation are awarded the academic degree of:
- doktor (“philosophiae doctor”)
- In the field of arts: doktor umenia (“artis doctor”)
- In the field of Catholic Theology: “doctor teologie" is awarded