Grading, Academic Year and Language of Instruction in Slovakia
Grading System
In Slovakia, educational institutions use a 5-point grading scale. Grade 5 is the lowest possible grade.
Scale 1.00-2.99 indicates “Excellent (Vyborny)” and grade A is given.
Scale 2.00-2.99 indicates “Very Good (Vel'mi dobry)” and grade B is given.
Scale 3.00-3.99 indicates “Good (Dobry)” and grade C is given
Scale 4.00-4.99 indicates “Sufficient (Dostatočny)” and grade D is given. This is the lowest passing grade.
Scale 5.00 indicates “Insufficient (Nedostatočne)” and is assigned grade FX.
Language of Instruction
The language of instruction in Slovakia is Slovak. Many study programmes are taught in English as well. Education in Slovakia is also provided in minority languages in municipalities. These languages are: Hungarian, Ukrainian and Ruthenian.
Academic Year
School Academic Year
The academic year for primary, grammar and secondary school starts on September 2 and concludes on June 29 of the following year.
September 1 is Constitution Day in Slovakia.
School Timings: School day begins at 8:00 am and end in the afternoon at 2:00 pm. The timings may vary from school to school.
Holidays: Starts from July 1 and ends on August 31. Also, there are a few national holidays, and holidays around Easter and Christmas.
University Academic Year
The academic year for Universities in Slovakia commences in mid-September or October 1 and ends on 31 August of the following year. The academic year is split up into two semesters:
- Winter semester runs from September to January
- Summer semester runs from February to June.